Saturday, July 3, 2010

la la la la la

so, lets pretend the month of june never even happened. theres no bloggy proof of it, so i postulate that it's nothing more than an urban myth.
now that i've dispelled that pesky month, lets move on to more serious things.



my sister recently revamped her blog (and by revamped, i mean switched URLs and such... her new one can be found here: old one here: )

the fact that she was so involved with her blog reminded me that i should at least give some update on mine. the original intent of this blog was to review various books and CD's, and occasionally movies. i've basically strayed from that rubric and now all i really do is ramble about whatever i feel like rambling about.
but, now there shall be a return to my original purpose; i shall review A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, by Donald Miller.
there's the cover.

my small groups leader gave it to his small group as a parting gift for us venturing into the big, wide, scary world (thanks james,) and i must say, it was quite a bit better than i was expecting.
the basic idea put forth is that we are all living a story, and it's up to us to decide what type of story we'd like to lead (to a certain extent).
theres an extended analogy throughout about how writers don't really have much control over what their characters do, but they do have plans for them. Mr Miller makes the same connection between God and us. he says God has a desire for us and a desire for us to live our lives a certain way, but as long we ignore Him, our stories will stagnate and lack meaning.
in AMMIATY, Story is defined as "a character desiring something and overcoming an obstacle to get it" (or something like that). it is assumed that our lives are like that, but unlike books or movies where there is one definable climactic moment where everything gets better, real life only has small victories; however, these small victories are where we get meaning.

i didnt enjoy the spacing of the story (1.5 i think) as i would read a lot of pages but not really have any substance from them. his narrative style is wack, but not wack enough to be considered brilliant, just annoying. the idea's raised are excellent though, but i think i would prefer them to be boiled down the to the sheer basics, then expounded on in more detail and less story.
that being said though, it makes sense to tell a story about story through stories.

overall, i'd give it an 8 out of 10. (as a frame of reference, twilight is 0 and Mere Christianity by C.s lewis is 10).

and i have probably already plugged this song on my blog, but i think i'll do it again, just because it's so great!
Allah Allah Allah

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